3 useful TypeScript and JavaScript shorthands to know

Md Riyazuddin Verified
JavaScript and TypeScript share a number of useful shorthand alternatives for common code concepts. Shorthand code alternatives can help reduce lines of code.

In this article, we will review 3 common TypeScript and JavaScript shorthands.

1 - Ternary operator

The ternary operator is one of the most popular shorthands in JavaScript and TypeScript. It replaces the traditional ifelse statement. Its syntax is as follows:

[condition] ? [true result] : [false result]

The following example demonstrates a traditional ifelse statement and its shorthand equivalent using the ternary operator:

// Longhand
const number = 80;

if (mark >= 50) {
return true; } else { return false; } // Shorthand const number = 80; return number >= 50 ? true : false;

2 - Short-circuit evaluation

Another way to replace an ifelse the statement is with short-circuit evaluation. This shorthand uses the logical OR operator || to assign a default value to a variable when the intended value is false.

The following example demonstrates how to use short-circuit evaluation:

// Longhand
let string = '';
let finalString;

if (string !== null && string !== undefined && string != '') {
  finalString = 'default string';
} else {
  finalString = string;

// Shorthand
let string = '';
let finalString = string || 'default string';

3 - Optional chaining

Dot notation allows us to access the keys or values of an object. With optional chaining, we can go a step further and read keys or values even when we are not sure whether they exist or are set. When the key does not exist, the value from optional chaining is undefined.

See an example of optional chaining in action below:

const obj = {
  x: {
    y: 1,
    z: 2
  others: [

// Longhand
if (obj.hasProperty('others') && others.length >= 2) {
  console.log('2nd value in others: ', obj.others[1])

// Shorthand
console.log('2nd value in others: ', obj.others?.[1]) // 'tested'
console.log('3rd value in others: ', obj.others?.[2]) // undefined


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