Interview Questions

1. In Merge replication, for the conflict resolver: I have a row guid and a timestamp column on each article in the publication. It was my hope that by having the timestamp, I could avoid the need to manually reconcile the conflictsbetween publisher and subscriber. However, I see that the conflicts are still there and still require manual intervention to eliminate. Why?

Merge Replication does NOT require a timestamp column (that’s for transactional replication). Merge Replication only requires a ROWGUID (which must be the ROWGUIDCOL for the article). Second, the conflict resolver didn’t work the way I expected it to: the conflict resolver works by using a default rule to resolve a conflict, but it still records the fact that a conflict occurred. The record of the conflict (and the winning and losing records) are stored (by default) at the distributor. Manual intervention is required (opening the conflict viewer) to view and eliminate the conflicts. But if you want to be alerted to the existence of a conflict, you must write a separate monitoring tool. 

By Hena Parveen 2 0
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