Interview Questions

1. What are the Restrictions on Availability Groups?

  •  Availability replicas must be hosted by different nodes of one WSFC cluster
  •  Unique availability group name: Each availability group name must be unique on the WSFC cluster. The maximum length for an availability group name is 128 characters.
  •  Availability replicas: Each availability group supports one primary replica and up to four secondary replicas. All of the replicas can run under asynchronous-commit mode, or up to three of them can run under synchronous-commit mode.
  •  Maximum number of availability groups and availability databases per computer: The actual number of databases and availability groups you can put on a computer (VM or physical) depends on the hardware and workload, but there is no enforced limit. Microsoft has extensively tested with 10 AGs and 100 DBs per physical machine.
  •  Do not use the Failover Cluster Manager to manipulate availability groups:
By Hena Parveen 2 0
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